Sunday, August 9, 2009

Kidd Cool's - "Exposure on the beach"

Cool did get a little more exposure at the beach than just waves and riding.

In Corpus Christi we have a small “strip” of beach where naked sun bathing is allowed.

Rarely do we encounter anyone, but as luck would have it on our way back a nudist couple asked if we could take their picture with the horses.
My friends who were riding with me quickly said “That’s a wild mustang, you need a picture with that one”, so Cool and I stepped up.

Once again, Cool took things in stride, we got our pictures and off we rode.

I’d like to challenge all the EMM trainers to top this for getting their mustang’s out there and exposed!


  1. OMG! That is hilarious!! You got me beat. I tried to expose Faith, but you win for sure!

  2. too bad Cool didn't "show his stuff"! make the dude feel really small, and you'd have a woman that wants to adopt a mustang!! lmao

  3. Chrissy thinks if that didn't spook horse or rider, nothing would! What a horse! What a rider! Way to keep your cool!

  4. Oh wow, that's going above and beyond for de-spooking...
